Friday, May 22, 2009


Christopher is thinking about joining the air force.... I should say hell bent on joining. He's already called a recruiter and started getting all his paperwork together. I say it's about time, he's been talking about going back since he got out of the army 2 years ago. He has always felt that he didn't do all he wanted to do in the military and lost his chance because of the joint custody with the kids. I am very pro-military and will be very proud if he goes through with it.
He has to get a physical and a letter from a doctor releasing him because he has asthma but that should not be a problem if he quits smoking.
Connor and Alana will have to live with their mom for a little while but we will get them as much as possible. Jade's going to be pissed off because she's so happy here and has lots of good friends. I don't think Amber will think much of it.
A lot of thinking and planning has to happen before he makes it official but I'm 98 percent sure it is going to happen. I think it will be a great life change for us.


  1. Oh wow! You know, San Angelo has an airforce base... I'm just sayin..

  2. yup... I've already looked at it online.
